Dallas, United States July 17, 2012 Today we begin the journey East. We went to bed around 11pm last night (so much for dreaming about 9 pm), but we’re retired, so we can catch up on our rest anytime. We didn’t really sleep last night, we were laughing and giggling like two kids at 4am […]
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Author: Charlie and Carol
Carols Pack
St George, UT July 16, 2012. Now for Carols backpack. Packing list For those who are interested in what we packed for 3 months in Europe, here is the official list of items and weights rounded to the nearest ounce. Carols Pack. 3 lbs. 11 oz Down jacket. 13 oz Rain […]
Packing List
St. George, UT July 15, 2012. Packing list For those who are interested in what we packed for 3 months in Europe, here is the official list of items and weights rounded to the nearest ounce. Charlie’s Pack 3 lbs. 2 oz Down jacket. 13 oz Rain jacket 1 lb […]
Retired Times Two
St. George, UT July 12, 2012 Good thing I don’t have to work. I can’t imagine trying to get everything done! We have been using about every minute of each day doing our final preparation for the trip. Mostly, It has been running to banks, setting up accounts in Utah, shopping for IPad screen protector […]
Mountain to Desert
Frisco, CO July 2, 2012 My take on retirement. It has only been a few days and I could get used to this! We left the cool mountains for the hot desert. The Rav and Altima were fully loaded and practically doing wheelies down the highway. We arrived in St. George at 9:15 P.M. and […]
Retirement Party and Farewell
Longmont, CO June 27,2012 We had our retirement party today. It was a great time! We have been going through a lot of transition and planning so the party just made things seem very real. The turnout was good with a great mix of retired folks I used to work with, old folks who should […]
Last Days of ATC
Thornton, Co. June 26, 2012. Wow, time is moving fast! Sunday, I spent my last day talking to jets. Last stint was busy holding planes on the arrival sector, with my long time compadre from the beginning, Ed helping me out. I couldn’t think of a better way to finish up. Even got flirted with […]
The Last Supper
Milan, Lombardy, Italy Tuesday, September 4, 2012 Milan, fashion capital of Italy, and we must be making a statement in our conevertible hiking pants and gore tex rain gear. When you see this as all the fashion rage next year, you will know where it started! Breakfast here was not bad, we had hard boiled […]
The Continental Divide
Foose Creek Colorado, CO Segment 15 Foose Creek to Marshall Pass “Thru hiking is easy, except for the hiking part” July 30, 2005. We get up, have breakfast, and tear down our camp. It is a beautiful sunny morning. We have a lot of climbing to do today, as our starting elevation is […]
It’s Been a While
Foose Creek Colorado, CO July 29, 2005 Tim’s foot was not improved enough to hike before the Zerilli family vacation in July. When we got back from vacation, he still wasn’t sure when it would be better. CNC start looking at alternatives in case Tim is out for the season. They were not needed, as […]