Foose Creek Colorado, CO July 29, 2005
Tim’s foot was not improved enough to hike before the Zerilli family vacation in July. When we got back from vacation, he still wasn’t sure when it would be better. CNC start looking at alternatives in case Tim is out for the season. They were not needed, as he decides to test the knee with some short walks, and thinks he can hike the last week of July. So, here we are after almost two months off of hiking, ready to try Segment 15 from Foose Creek to Marshall Pass, advertised as 11 miles.
We arrive on Friday night and drive the girls to Foose Creek to set up camp. Tim and I then take off for Marshall Pass to drop off the truck. We get behind some jerk pulling a tent trailer who would not pull over, and purposely did about 5 miles per hour after Charlie may have slightly provoked him, with a horn toot. Of course, he deserved provoking. It gets so bad that at an intersection, we pretend to go straight, so they might speed up. After a small delay, we catch up to them anyway, but they let us pass. Maybe they didn’t realize it was the same vehicles. We finally make it to the pass, leave Tim’s truck, and return to Foose Creek about an hour and a half later. The girls had camp all set up. We start a campfire and have dinner consisting of cold cuts, hot dogs, and marshmallows for dessert. It is a clear night and as it gets darker, thousands of stars are visible, as well as the occasional satellite going by. Good night.
- Camp Guard
- Preparing Dinner
- Yes Dear, I’m Listening
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