Longmont, CO June 27,2012
We had our retirement party today. It was a great time! We have been going through a lot of transition and planning so the party just made things seem very real. The turnout was good with a great mix of retired folks I used to work with, old folks who should be retiring, and the young ones who can never replace us, but try none the less. My first trainee was there (Frank circa 1984) and my last trainee (John circa 2011) as well as many I trained in between. I certainly trained more than my fair share and had the sh** scared out of me by a few. As I have said before, it was more than worth the less than minimum wage extra they paid me for the experience! I know that I am leaving a somewhat lasting legacy with those I trained more recently and am proud of how they have turned out. I honestly enjoyed training and it definitely helped my last few years remain enjoyable. Those who really knew me know that I took a lot of pride in the job I did as an air traffic controller. I always tried to err on the side of the pilots when it came to service and working efficiently. It truly has been a pleasure working with everyone over the years. I recently found a Denver Center personnel list from 1990. It really brought to light how many people I have known in this job who have retired or moved on to other jobs and places. Now it is my turn to become a memory to those I leave behind to keep the green between. Enjoy work while you are there as I will enjoy not having to be there! Now back to the party.
None of this would be possible or even enjoyable without the great support and love of my wife, Carol. Those of you who know her realize how lucky I am. For those of you who do not know her well, you have missed out on knowing a truly special person. Her love and support as well as her willingness to follow me on my crazy outdoor and travel adventures makes her a bit insane! However, the shared experiences we have had created a bond that I am especially thankful for. Her upbeat attitude together with the trials and tribulations she has faced in her life are inspiring to me and definitely changed my outlook on life. I love you babe! A special thanks to Rick and Beth for the use of their place but more importantly for the great friendship we have.
Mr. Hildenbrand, it has been a pleasure having you as a friend and also working beside you these 30 years. Dave Welter, it was a great surprise having you show up all the way from Abu Dhabi. We have both traveled some interesting roads from our room mate days in Oklahoma City. Jim and Karen, from the kids in cub scouts, arose a great friendship. You guys are the best! And to my kids, if it wasn’t for you, I could have retired years ago. But then my life would not have been as rich and I must say it was worth the extra work to watch you both grow into two very different people that I am extremely proud of. Thanks for being there. I could go on one at a time but Most of you are just not worth the words or effort to type them..just kidding! I hope in some small way that I have enriched your lives as you all have enriched mine. Here’s to all the memories, good, bad, and otherwise. They wove a great career. Enjoy the pictures. Charlie
- Party Prep
- Margarita Master
- Guacamole Prep
- Start the Party
- My First Trainee-Retired Before Me
- Full Cup
- Gotta Love That Face
- Father Daughter
- Pizza From Warner
- Chillin
- Different View
- Games
- My Son
- Used to Have Two Pounds of hair
- I’m Happy For You
- A Gift
- It’s About Time
- I’m First Out the Door
- Must Be Curtis
- More Young Guys
- Nicky the Chin
- Carol and Don
- Good Eats
- Over 140 Years of Experience
- The New CV?
- Just Hangin
- Emcee Ed
- Being Entertained
- Great Friends
- Dave and Frey
- Mug Shots
- So Easy
- Denver ARTCC
- 30 Years
- Bye
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