July 17th We got up early this morning and met Tyson, who is from Atlanta. He camped near us last night and started his journey at Kennedy Meadows. We leave our camp at 0715. We are hiking through forest and there are some very large trees in this area. Some look like they are ready […]
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Author: Charlie and Carol
July 16th We got a slower start than has been our norm. We left camp at 0750. When we woke up, we discovered that we had a thief in camp last night. One of my gloves were stolen along with Shannon’s knee brace. In addition, the thief chewed on my hiking pole strap and chewed […]
Snake Charmer
July 15th We leave camp at 0725 and immediately start to climb. We will be heading toward the McCloud River the next couple of days. The trail climbs through a forest which has a green floor. The floor is comprised of hundreds of ferns. There must be quite a bit of snow here in the […]
Leaving Burney
July 14th We get up at 0530 in the morning and are out the door at 0615. Golfer comes to pick us up and we drive back to the trailhead. We find a place for him to park his car a short way up a nearby jeep road, out of sight of the highway. We […]
The Return of Golfer
July 13th We love zero days. We got a good night’s sleep and slept in which for us is now 0800. Shannon had gotten up much earlier and had breakfast, so we decided just to do a light breakfast at McDonalds and save our hunger for lunch. We had lunch at the Alpine Inn which […]
Will Hike For Food
We woke up at 0600 to try and avoid the ants. They sleep in until the temp warms up. We started out at 0720. We hiked through the edge of the lava fields below the Hat Creek Rim. Eventually we emerged into a more forested area and after close to 5 miles, we came to […]
Hot Hat Creek Rim…..NOT
We woke up this morning and the temperature was a very brisk 25 degrees. We are supposed to be on one of the hottest stretches of trail in Northern California. As cold as it is, I will take this, verse heat any day of the week. The chill does cause us to move a little […]
The Infamous Hat Creek Rim
Today we plan to tackle the infamous Hat Creek Rim. This is a 30-mile waterless stretch known for its hot temperatures and little to no shade. Our plan is to Hike into the small burg of Old Station this morning, hang out until late afternoon and hike on to the rim when it is cooler. […]
Bearly Made It Through the Night
Last night, we had barely settled in for the night when the thru hiker that camped near us yelled out “Bear coming through camp”. I unzipped our vestibule and peeked out of the tent to see Mr. Bear strolling between our tents maybe 10-15 feet away. We started yelling “ get out of here” but […]
Thermal Pool
We had a good nights sleep last night in our own quiet forest. Although the forest was quiet, there was some noise emanating from both tents. The girls were practicing synchronized snoring for the Olympics. A song went through my head, Grizzlies to the left of me, Grizzlies to the right, here I am stuck […]