St Petersburg Day 2

Today, we repeat our morning of yesterday. Our passport control process is much smoother today as they have now put you in their system and checked you against their known CIA associates. Still no smiles! Whereas yesterday the bus left an hour later then scheduled due to the customs line, today we leave right on time at 0715.
We have another hour drive to Tsarskoye Selo or the Pushkin Palace. It is the Royal summer residence of Tsarskoye Selo.

Tiny, Isn't It?

Tiny, Isn’t It?

We get in as soon as it opens, and our guide today is also very knowledgable. More opulence and incredible rooms around very bend. The amber room where you cannot take pictures is absolutely beautiful and very different from any other palace rooms we have seen. After the palace, we tour the gardens here. No trick fountains, small compared to other palaces, the 1400 acres garden and surrounding lake was designed as a place to be one with nature and to have a calm place to figure out the political tasks of the day. It was also a place where the Tsar apparent could run around.
Yesterday, our weather was beautiful. Today, it is cloudy and we have been sprinkled on once or twice. As we leave, it becomes a steady rain so we are glad that we were able to see everything before hand. Also, unlike yesterday, this is a half day tour so we are on our way back to the ship where we can have lunch and take a nap. I, in fact use the time to write yesterday’s and today’s blog while Carol sleeps. But now I too am tired and it is time to put down my trusty IPad and catch up on my rest. Hope you have enjoyed this so far.

Pushkin Palace Tour 140 USD
Walked 3.2 Miles