This is the beginning of my New Year’s intention to post a weekly update on our website. Hopefully, each week will contain something fun or interesting. As a start, I will tell what we have been doing so far in January. Mom was here over the Holidays and we went down to Las Vegas for two days before she flew back home. She left on January 4th.
We have been slowly settling into our new home. We are now officially residents of St George, Utah and are loving the new digs. We back up to BLM land that is a Desert Tortoise Reserve. There is a trail head just up the street and we have seen quail, rabbits, and a roadrunner in our new backyard. There is a nice covered patio that we have yet to enjoy due to the crazy weather pattern we seem to be stuck in.
We did manage to start a walking program to try and get in better shape and help with some weight reduction. That took a downturn the past week as I have been sick with some kind of cough, flu type thing and am just starting to recover.
We have only been on two hikes so far as the weather has been wetter than usual and it is no fun walking on the wet desert clay/sandy soil. It sticks to your boots until you feel like you are walking on platform shoes. The good news is it is starting to dry out so hopefully about the time I am fully recovered, we can start hiking on a more regular basis.
We have also been playing some games with friends, cards with our game group, and are hosting a board game night tonight. I will post this today and then start my weekly updates on February 4th or 5th with the preceding weeks events. Here are a few pictures to enjoy. Thanks for reading.
- Our Backyard Sunset
- Our Yard
- Covered Patio
- Living Room
- Cliff Structure
- CNC Out and About
- Lover Her Smile
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