We sleep in today catching up on our rest. We walk up the block to get some coffee and pastries for breakfast in our room. I catch up on the website entries and Carol catches up on her social life and e mails. We finally leave the room about 1145 and head out for some exercise.
We have decided to hike to a waterfall, which is supposedly an hour walk. We start up a small road along a river and then reach a parking area.
From there, the path turns to dirt trail and starts to climb. This increases the flow of the stream we are walking along, making for a very pleasant environment. We have not run into one tourist, much different than the crowded lake front. We cross the stream on a bridge and than start a more serious climb to the Waldestrube Wasserfall. The trail steepens with steps now dug into it. When we reach the top, we are rewarded with a spectacular waterfall setting. There is one main falls crashing down the gorge and it is surrounded by smaller cascading falls from the cliffs above. It is a beautiful scene and we spend quite a bit of time here.
I notice a bridge high above the falls in the gorge and we decide that we should go stand on top of it. That is, if we can find the way there. Taking an educated guess, we descend and cross back over the stream, then take another trail we had noticed on the way here. It is steady uphill but a nice grade. We see a family looking at a map and ask them if this trail heads to the bridge. They are more clueless with their map then I am without one.
We continue on past the gechtersgaten or glacier garden and the trail climbs up some steep steps in this area. We come out on a small road and head uphill where we think the bridge might be. The direction seems right and we go through a small tunnel, get some alps views as well as a great view back down to Hallstatt and the lake below. We continue up the road and finally reach the bridge. It is not as dramatic as it looked from below, but is still a nice spot.
When we descend back down the road, I must stop at a clear pool of water in the glacier garden. I climb down to it and debate going in. I dip my feet in it and after about 30 seconds can stand it no longer. It is icy cold and since the sun is not out at the moment, no way I am getting in. Shoes back on we continue our downward trek, passing a cave where the stream is flowing through. Very pretty photo spot. We eventually make it back to town 3 and a half hours later having thoroughly enjoyed our nature walk.
Freshening up in the room, we walk back out through town to the Charnel House or bone house next to the Catholic Church. They had run out of room at the cemetery and dug up the skulls and larger bones after 20 years to make room for others.
The skulls were painted and the names and dates recorded on them. The flower designs were seen as a sign of love whereas the different leaves had different meanings. Oak leaves were a symbol of glory, laurel were victory, ivy were life, and roses were love. The skulls placed on bibles were those of priests. Two skulls beneath the cross are painted with a snake, the symbol of death for the sin of Adam and Eve.
We walk into a chapel under the church in which a salt baron is buried. He lived in the castle across the lake and requested that every 50 years his body be put on a boat and brought to his castle. The skull tiles on the floor of the chapel have ears in order to say do not talk ill about the dead, they are listening.
We meander back into town and stop at Gasthof Simony to eat dinner. It is 1700 and dinner does not start until 1730, so we sit at our table on the lake and wait. Carol has a beer now, I just have water.
Our table is literally 2 feet from the lake and it is a beautiful evening to sit here. Outside in the square, a local band is playing so we have dinner music as well. They let us order a few minutes early and our choices of the day are bacon wrapped chicken with a Gorgonzola sauce and noodles, and beef goulash with homemade dumplings. When they arrive, along with a beer for me, we commence into devouring them. Actually, we take our time, enjoying the view and the company. Yes, we are more than 5 weeks in and still love each other. After dinner, we take a leisurely walk back home, feed in the ducks and swans along the way with some leftover focaccia bread. A nice ending to a nice day.
Breakfast Pastries and Coffee 7.9 E
Charnel Bone Ossuary 3E
Dinner and Beer at Gasthaus Simony 35.1 E
Gasthaus Bergfried 75E
Walked 9.2 Miles
- Breakfast?
- Spring Water
- River Views
- CNC Hiking
- That Way
- Gotta Love Steps
- Flower Power
- Waterfall Model
- Close Up
- Wasserfall
- Side Falls
- Austrian Woods
- Hallstatt Far Below
- Tunnel View
- Alps
- What?
- Carol Down Below
- Cave in Stream
- More Beauty
- 1200 Skulls Here
- Different Leaves, Different Meanings
- Priests on Bibles
- Cemetery
- View from Catholic Church
- Lake Hallstatt
- Dead Can Hear You
- Wood Carved Alterpiece
- Local Band
- Now, It’s Even Better
- Our Table
- Bacon Wrapped Chicken
- Says It All
- Beef Goulash and Dumplings
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