One thing that was nice about our tour yesterday is that everyone is staying at this hotel. We have a nice breakfast talking with Avi and Judith from Israel. Then before we leave we chat with the Australians who bring the Tasmanians into the conversation by telling us they have six fingers and two heads […]
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Author: Charlie and Carol
Vaclav Leads the Way
NOTE: We seem to have fixed the bugs that were effecting our comments section and picture galleries at the end of each entry. Thanks go out to our son Steven, who figured it out. We will pay him twice as much as we did to set up our site. So if you previously were unable […]
We are going to make our way to Prague today. The locals call it Praha. Many places in Europe are pronounced and spelled differently than we say them. I am not sure why that is. But if you are looking for Prague on the train board, you will not find it. Another example is Venezia […]
Rafting the Vltava
We are going rafting today on the Vltava River. The river winds through Cesky Krumlov and then to Prague and beyond. We are going as far as Zlatna Koruna, where we will visit an Abbey. The raft company then drives you back to Cesky Krumlov. The trip guide says it is a 3 to 4 […]
Moldovite Mystery Unraveled
We sleep in today which has become a rare thing. Carol makes a lovely egg sandwich and cappuccino breakfast. I help, of course, by eating and drinking said items. We leave the apartment around 1100 and do a self guided walk around Cesky Krumlov. We start at the Horni Bridge which makes me want to […]
Czech Please
NOTE: we have been having some problems with our server. I could not get on to post for a few days. Also, some have said that they are not able to leave comments and bring up larger pictures from the gallery. I think these problems still exist and we will try to fix them but […]
Trick Fountains and Mozart
We get up planning to catch an 0825 bus from the train station to Hellbrunn Castle. We are out the door a little before 0800. I had asked the desk clerk if there was a stop nearer than the station and she told me Keisler near the mall. As we approach The corner of Keisler, […]
The Hills are Alive
We plan to catch the 0810 boat out of town for the 0828 train to Salzburg. We grab a few pastries from the local bakery on the way. The ride and connection goes smoothly and we are in Salzburg at 1048. We stop at the Tourist Information place to get a city map and while […]
Hiking in Hallstatt
We sleep in today catching up on our rest. We walk up the block to get some coffee and pastries for breakfast in our room. I catch up on the website entries and Carol catches up on her social life and e mails. We finally leave the room about 1145 and head out for some […]
From One Lake to Another
I start the day off with a tactical error. The alarm goes off but Carol does not wake up and put it on snooze like she usually does. I decide to let her sleep another 20 minutes. Not a good choice as after breakfast she stresses out because we have to rush a bit to […]