A good nights sleep was had under the stars on our thick foam mattresses. Terry and Nancy serve us all a very hearty breakfast. There is fresh fruit, eggs, and biscuits and gravy. I think Carol would be happy just in the fact that there was fresh coffee. I do believe that we had more […]
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Author: Charlie and Carol
Do You Believe in Magic?
We wanted to get up early this morning and try to make part of todays climb before the heat kicks in. We are hoping that we can gain enough altitude early so that it helps with the temperature. As we pack, we talk briefly with Reindeer who is the guy that camped next to us […]
Feather River Soak
We woke up and ate, than walked over to Half and Half’s (Ed) tent to say good morning. We chatted some and he asked if we heard the bear last night. We both had our earplugs in and did not hear a thing. Carol normally sleeps with ear plugs every night which leaves me to not […]
Trail Reunion
We slept pretty good last night. More Pop tarts and away we go, leaving camp at 0750. My body is just plain rebelling and I feel very sluggish today, especially on the uphill’s. About two miles in, a hiker carrying a small pack goes running by us. Shortly thereafter a girl runs by. When we […]
Snow Again
We woke up, had our usual hearty pop tart breakfast, tended to our feet, and packed up. We started out at 8:05 today. There were some beautiful views with some lakes below us as we hiked up and down several ridges. We also saw some orange yellow fungus type plants which we have been seeing […]
Infamous Sierra Buttes Climb
For the last two days, we have been hearing about the tough climb out of Sierra City up to the Sierra Buttes. The rock formation is readily visible way up above the town. Today, we tackle it for ourselves. We get a ride from Lila’s husband, to the trail after having breakfast at the Red […]
Sierra City, California
Today is a zero day which means zero miles hiking. Sierra City really exaggerates with the use of the word city. The town consists of the Country General store, open for lunch and dinner 1100-6:00 and the Red Moose Cafe open for breakfast and lunch 0700-2:30. There is one other place that looks like it […]
Watch Out for That Tree
We woke up at 0600 and after packing up and having breakfast, we hit the trail at 0730. It was uphill for the first mile than some long switch backs in a descent. It was very hot at first and then we hit a forested section and the shade helped make it tolerable. We hiked […]
Hike Naked Day
The summer solstice, June 21, is also known as Hike Naked day. My berries are red. No, I did not hike naked as that is quite a bit more sun exposure than I want. We started off the day with a big climb to the days high point of 8080 feet. We hit some snow […]
More Snow
We woke up this morning to a brisk temperature of 24 degrees at 0615. This did not motivate us to move out of our cozy sleeping bags, so we stayed in a for a while. When we finally were about ready to go, we met Bill from REI and Don. They camped near us but […]