Tuesday, September 5, 2017 Today we continue west towards Winnipeg. We leave the province of Ontario and enter Manitoba. The terrain changes quickly as we enter the grain belt of Canada. Flat farms are the geography of the day. It is only a 2-hour drive to the outskirts of Winnipeg. Along the way, Carol meets […]
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Author: Charlie and Carol
Returning to Canada
Monday September 4, 2017 It is Labor Day but it doesn’t feel like it. When you are traveling for as long as we are, holidays do not have much meaning other than a day to try and avoid crowds. I do not expect that will be a problem for todays drive into Canada. We are […]
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Sunday September 3, 2017 We wake up and enjoy the motels continental breakfast before starting todays drive. We cross the Michigan state line and enter Wisconsin for the 90-minute drive to Bayfield and the headquarters of Apostles Island National Lakeshore. We check out their small museum and then cruise around the small town of Bayfield. […]
Rock and Roll…Mostly Roll
Saturday September 2, 2017 We wake up and look outside. The wind is blowing pretty good and there are some fairly good size waves smacking the rocks below our deck. We leave our packs by the door as the lodge delivers them to the boat. Then a short brisk walk to the boat and we […]
Shrooms and Moose
Friday September 1, 2017 We had a good night’s sleep and a leisurely time waking up. We only have three miles to hike with our packs and so there is no rush. After breakfast, we chat with the neighbors some more before getting our gear together. It is another picture-perfect day except there seems to […]
Boulder Spa Treatment
Thursday August 31, 2017 We can’t believe that it is the last day of August. Only another 3 weeks or so left in our journey. We wake up to mostly sunny skies so that is a good sign. There is an island visible across the water and my map says it is Amygdaloid Island, something […]
Wednesday August 30, 2017 Sometime last night, we both knew we made a solid decision in choosing to sleep in the shelter. Not only did we have room to ourselves in sleeping but no mice made it into our roofed domain. But wait, there’s more. Because it absolutely poured during the night. Full blown thunderstorm, […]
Isle Royale National Park
Tuesday August 29, 2017. We get up fairly early and have our breakfast at the hotel. Nothing fancy, just the normal continental breakfast items. Our ship to Isle Royale leaves at 0900 but we have to be there by 0800 for check in. It is a short ride over the bridge to Houghton and the […]
Houghton Michigan
Monday August 28, 2017 Today, we have a short drive to the town of Houghton, Michigan. It is only about 100 miles and will be our jumping off point to Isle Royale tomorrow. It rained hard and steady last night but the rain has stopped and the skies are supposed to slowly clear up today. […]
Sunday August 27, 2017 Since we did more than we had planned yesterday, we get to sleep in today. It is raining lightly when we get up and we take our time with today’s breakfast. We then take our time packing up. However slow we go, we do eventually finish and have to leave. We […]