It is supposed to be very hot today, close to 100 degrees, so we decide to put off the valley of the temples until tomorrow. That allows us to stroll the town of Agrigento, see some churches, and hibernate during the hot part of the day. But first, we must have our breakfast. We go […]
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Author: Charlie and Carol
Welcome to Agrigento
Our bus does not leave until 1315 so we sleep in a bit and then go upstairs for breakfast. We eat in the kitchen of the owners home and there is another couple at the table who are staying here also. They are Italian and at first are just speaking Italiano with Miko. We are […]
Fantastic Mosaics
We are able to have breakfast a bit earlier than their opening time since we want to try and catch the 0830 bus to Catania Airport. From there we have a connection bus to Piazza Armerina which leaves at 1040. After our experience coming here, we decide to try and get to the bus station […]
The Sandwich Master
Siracusa was the most important Greek city and a competitor for Athens. At one time it’s wealth and size were unmatched by any other city in Europe. It was however ruled mostly by despots over its history. The island of Ortygia where we are staying was a formidable fortification with many bastions at strategic points […]
Greek Theatre
Since it is supposed to be hot today, we go down to breakfast at 0800. This way we can get a decent start time in seeing the archeological park in town. The breakfast has a nice spread and mix of sweet and savory. Sweet is a ricotta cheesecake, pound cake, and fruit filled croissant. Savory […]
Getting to Sicily
We can’t believe that we are going to Sicily today. Half of my roots are there and we both have been looking forward to this. We start our day walking about 1.2 miles to the train station that connects to Vienna National Airport. Because I like to leave plenty of time in catching trains and […]
The New Palace
We have a little bit of a lazy morning start to our day. We planned out what we wanted to see and there is no need to rush. We start our day by walking a few blocks to see the Rathaus. No this is not where they send people who snitch on others, it is […]
Albertina Museum
The apartment location is really convenient to the sights. It is a very small studio compared to what we have had so far. We mainly picked it because of its location. Carol is not happy with the overall cleanliness of the place. There are little noticeable things that if they corrected would make it a […]
The Summer Place
Heading out to the summer quarters of the poor Hapsburg family. I am sure it will be like a studio flat or something. After all, it’s just a summer vacation place. We walk to the U bahn and find a station while looking for another one. Our U4 train leaves from here, so we buy […]
Cribs Hapsburg Style
Today will be a Royal day. We are going to visit the Hapsburg Empire starting with the Imperial Palace. To get there you walk through a grand entry facade from Michaelsplatz with four giant Hercules statues making you feel small. We pay and enter the palace and are provided with included audioguides. The first part […]