On the trail again, ain’t it good to be on the trail again. But first….. After a pretty good, if not cool nights sleep, we woke up in an attempt to get an early start on our hiking day. We were out of the lodge by 0730. We walked a mile up old Highway 40 […]
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Author: Charlie and Carol
Clair Tappan Lodge
This morning when we woke up it was raining and the temperature was 34°. We stayed snug and dry in our tiny tent. I think I will start a show that is called tiny tents. Maybe it will become a movement like the tiny houses. By the looks around me I don’t think the Californians […]
Second Birthday on the Trail
Before I start, a couple of things. We have very limited technology available at this time. So excuse the possible spellcheck from my voice translation into this document. And since we have no computers, I have no way of downloading the pictures from my camera so those will have to wait. Sorry for the inconvenience. Now […]
On the Trail Again
Well almost! Due to bad snow conditions we have decided to bike path and road walk to Donner Pass. Today was our first day and we walked 11.4 miles. I got a blister on my foot Carol has none so she’s winning. The day was actually very nice no rain like was forecasted and a […]
Starting Out
We left Sparks Nevada this morning and headed towards Tahoe to check out the trail and conditions. Near Donner pass we stopped at the ranger station and asked about the snow and trail conditions. A Ranger told us where to expect snow and that one area had a lot of exposure with a steep slope […]
Not Again
Well, we made a decision to continue our Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) hike of 2014. We are starting at Echo Lake, just west of Tahoe, where we left off two years ago. A friend from that hike contacted us and put a bug in our ear about doing roughly 300 miles. However his 300 miles […]
The End of the Journey
There is really not much to say today. We had an early breakfast at 0630 and walked to the airport a little after seven for our 0845 flight to Munich, where we have a connection flight to JFK. Only thing that was funny is that last night, we called my mom and she asked us […]
We start our day with another simple breakfast at our BNB. The owners leave us with a key to get back into the building and the common area of the apartment. They are allowing us to leave our packs here while we explore the city today. We get all packed up and checked out, leave […]
There’s No Place Like Rome
We wake up and have breakfast at around 0830. It is a simple affair of a croissant, some cheese and meat, and cappuccino. There is also some juice and fruit. We meet a couple from Sicily that is visiting Rome. They are from Palermo but now live in Cefalu, which are two places that we […]
Rainy Day to Rome
I woke up during the night to the sound of thunder and heavy rain. This just confirmed our decision to leave by 0830 even though the car did not need to be back until 1045 and our train tickets to Rome were for 1138. I do manage to sleep,a little more before the alarm goes […]