Thursday July 27, 2017 We start our day by having a Blueberry Lemon Danish that we bought at the Masstown Market yesterday. Being honest, I must say I am a little disappointed in it. It is not bad, but it is also not great. We bought a package of 6, so we will be having […]
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Author: Charlie and Carol
French Acadian History
Wednesday July 26, 2017 We wake up and have another nice egg and cheese omelet breakfast. We are on the road at 0820. We drive along the coast of the Bay of Fundy until we reach the town of Moncton. A short stop for gas lets us stretch our legs. Gas here is only 1.04. […]
Hopewell Rocks
July 25, 2017 We both had a good nights sleep and despite the strenuous hike yesterday, we feel pretty good. It rained last night and was supposed to rain this morning but when we look outside it is cloudy but no rain. We decide to drive up the road to Hopewell Rocks Park and hope […]
She is Trying to Kill Me
Monday July 24, 2017 We went to bed pretty early last night as we were tired from our long day. That led to us waking up at 0700 so we went to the office for breakfast. The owners of the hotel came to Canada from Korea and they are very nice. Sarah made us homemade […]
Roosevelts and Van Hornes
Sunday, July 23, 2017 We woke up early and were packed and ready for breakfast at 0730 Breakfast consisted of homemade blueberry muffins and coffee. We hit the road at just before 0800 for our long hour and 5 minute ride. Luckily for us we time traveled when we hit Canada saving us an hour […]
The Maine Attraction
We awoke fairly early today as we have about a 7 hour drive to Lubec, Maine. This is where we will be starting our Canadian adventure from. Father Ron shared some sticky cinnamon buns with us that he had bought at the farmers market yesterday. A nice breakfast start to our day. Unfortunately, it was […]
Vermont July 19-22
We had a great time visiting with Sid and Father Ron. We stayed with Father Ron in his townhome enjoying our second story penthouse. The whole visit was very relaxing for us especially after the semi hectic go, go, go, pace of visiting family in New York and New Jersey. We went to the Von […]
Heading North
Today, we left the Vortex of New York and New Jersey. We departed Clemonton, New Jersey, where Carols friend Helen lives and headed toward Montpelier, Vermont. We will be staying a few days with Sid and his brother, Father Ron, who we met in Oberammergau, Germany in 2012. This will be our third time visiting […]
Next Adventure: Canada
We had thought about going back and hiking some more of the PCT this summer. The crazy winter and large amount of snowfall in California this year, made us think twice about it. We decided to forgo the hike and started to look at alternative plans. We figured into our planning the fact that we […]
Information on our Website
For those of you who had signed up to get e mail updates when I posted a new entry, you may have noticed a slew of updates lately. This was due to a site called Travelpod shutting down their travel website. I had used them for our 2012 Europe Blog and also was slowly publishing […]