Tuesday April 30, 2019 A short moment must be taken to remember my father, Charles I Zerilli, who would have turned 90 today. It has almost been six years since he passed to a better place, but those he left behind, miss him greatly. Here’s to you Dad. You instilled a love of travel and […]
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Author: Charlie and Carol
From the Sea to the Mountains
Monday April 29, 2019. We got to sleep in today, which is always a plus. Most of the time we like the earlier trains so we can get to our new destination with most of the day ahead of us. We had decided that Spain’s later dining might make it harder to get enough sleep. […]
Welcome to the Rock
Sunday April 28, 2019 When we arrived at the bus station yesterday, we purchased two more bus trips, one for today’s day trip to Gibraltar, and one for our next destination on Monday. Today’s bus leaves at 0815 so it was not a sleep in day as we had to walk the 1.2 miles to […]
To the Sea
Saturday April 27, 2019 Our train doesn’t leave until 1015 so we can sleep in a little bit. We have a little breakfast before leaving and make the trek through all the small streets with no problem. I am very good at remembering a route, once I have walked it. We wait for security to […]
The Mezquita
Friday April 26, 2019 Originally, our plan was to get to the Mezquita early for free entry and attend Mass there. That plan was changed as Nurse Carol felt it was better for me to rest a little more and we go for the normal 1000 opening time. Charlie does not like the wrath of […]
Where the Streets Have No Name
Thursday April 25, 2019 I did not sleep all that great and still am feeling pretty pekid this morning. We are out the door at 0745 for the 30 minute walk to the train station. My navigation is good through the turns and backstreets of Sevilla. Today’s train is a Talgo train which apparently is […]
Mudejar at the Alcazar
Wednesday April 24, 2019 It is supposed to rain after 1000 so we are hoping for the best in our visit to the Royal Alcazar. We purchased our tickets on-line with a 1200 time to tour the Royal Apartments. We plan on getting in at the 0930 opening so we can beat the weather (hopefully) […]
More Than Just a Walk in the Park
Tuesday April 23, 2019 We start out today with a walk to the Museum of Fine Arts. This small museum celebrates some lesser known Spanish artists such as Murillo and Zurbaran. Theses painters along with Valasquez made Sevilla their home in its golden age of the 1600’s. They tried to make the spiritual world more […]
For Free or not for Free
Monday April 22, 2019 It is time to leave Madrid and head to Sevilla. We get a free ride on the local train to the Atocha station. This saves us about 15 minutes of walking with our packs. It is a two and a half hour journey at 180 miles per hour on the fast […]
Lots of Bull
Sunday April 21, 2019 We do not stir until after 1000. Last night was a great evening but we are not sure we can stay up like this anymore. Add in the amount of alcohol we drank which has made us crave some food. We start out with the idea of maybe some pizza but […]